
February 9, 2012

Golf on Sunday: Guest post written by Lenny Mcknight

Golf on Sunday

This guest post from Lenny Mcknight

Recently I started dating this new guy that is pretty different than most guys I have dated before. My past boyfriends have enjoyed hunting, fishing, and even working on cars for their hobbies. This guy is totally into golf. When we go shopping together we always end up in some store that sells golf equipment, and it seems like we are in there for hours. They have these places where he can actually swing the golf club and a big screen shows where the ball would go if you were really hitting one. Who knows what they will think of next? On Sundays after church we either go to his parents’ house or my parents’ house for dinner. Then after dinner he scrolls through the television channels we have through Ann Arbor DirecTV, and looks until he finds PGA Tour Golf. That is when I get settled in on the couch and end up taking a very long nap. Golf has got to be the most boring thing to watch on television. I guess I might as well get used to it if I plan to keep dating this guy. I am sure there will be no changing him.

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